In the beginning, Flickr innovated the way people share and discover photos. Today, we are shifting the photo-sharing landscape again. We’re releasing a Flickr that’s more spectacular, much bigger, and one you can take anywhere.
A better, brighter Flickr « Flickr Blog
What’s the difference between a Free, Ad Free, and Doublr account?
There are three kinds of accounts to choose from at Flickr, and all of them are awesome in their own way.
1 Terabyte of photo and video storage
Upload photos of up to 200MB per photo
Upload 1080p HD videos of up to 1GB each
Video playback of up to 3 minutes each
Upload and download in full original quality
Ad Free:
$49.99 per year
All the benefits of a free account
No ads in your browsing experience
$499.99 per year
2 Terabytes of photo and video space
All the benefits of a free account
Flickr: Help: Free Accounts, Upgrading and Gifts
What used to be offered with a Pro account?
Flickr Pro is no longer available for purchase, but many of the Pro-only features are now part of free Flickr accounts.
Here is what you used to get with Pro:
Unlimited photo uploads (50MB per photo)
Unlimited video uploads (90 seconds max, 500MB per video)
The ability to show HD Video
Unlimited storage
Unlimited bandwidth
Archiving of high-resolution original images
The ability to replace a photo
Post any of your photos or videos in up to 60 group pools
View count and referrer statistics
Limitation of maximum image size available to others
Ad-free browsing and sharing
Flickr: Help: Free Accounts, Upgrading and Gifts
↑では、「Flickr Pro is no longer available for purchase, but many of the Pro-only features are now part of free Flickr accounts.」(Flickr Proはもう購入出来なくなっているが、多くのPro-only機能は「free Flickr accounts」の一部(part of)となっている)と書かれているのだけど、『多くのPro-only機能(many of the Pro-only features)』と書かれているのがなんかこうモヤモヤする、というか。
What do I now have with a free Flickr account?
Starting on 5/20/2013, members with free accounts on Flickr will have:
1 Terabyte of space
Upload and download in full original quality. Up to 200MB per image
Ability to create “Collections”
Post any of your photos or videos in up to 60 group pools
Flickr: Help: Free Accounts, Upgrading and Gifts
↑↑↑ 追記ここまで ↑↑↑
こうなると、これまでの有料プラン「Flickr Pro」を使っていた既存Proユーザーはどうなるのかな、というのが気になるところなので、Flickrのページを色々と探って調べてみた。
結論から言うと、「Flickr Pro」を使っていた人はこれまで通り、容量無制限、アドフリー、スタッツをProアカウントを更新している限り(期限切れにならない限り)は使える模様。

Dear masaru, as a Pro member continue to enjoy the benefits of unlimited space, an ad free experience and stats.
Flickr: Spectacular things are happening at Flickr!
Proユーザーが↑のページ(http://www.flickr.com/pro/)にある「Learn more」をクリックすると、以下のページでProのままにするか、Freeにスイッチするか選べるので、これまで通り容量無制限で使いたい場合は、「Keep Pro」を押しておく、と。
» Flickr: Pro Benefits

※ただ↑のページで「Keep Pro」を押してから、また↑のページにアクセスしても同じ画面が出て、また「Keep Pro」を押せるので、このページでのアクションで何かアカウントのステータスが変わっているのかどうかはよく分からないのだけど。
What happens if my Pro Account expires?
Since May 20, 2013, Pro accounts can no longer be purchased. You can enjoy unlimited storage as long as your Pro account is active. If your Pro account expires, it will revert to a free account with a storage limit of 1 Terabyte.
If you need more storage or would like to go ad-free, you can upgrade your account to one of our paid account types.
Flickr: Help: Free Accounts, Upgrading and Gifts
» Flickr: Upgrade Page

▲「Ad Free is not available for purchase by Flickr Pro users.」「Doublr is not available for purchase by Flickr Pro users.」とそれぞれ小さく書いてある。
既存Proユーザーであれば、更新し続ける限りはこれまで通り「容量無制限」のまま使えるようなので、既存Proユーザーはリニューアルし続けるのが良いのでは、と思います。僕は更新し続けます。Flickr側がスタンスを変えない限りは。FlickrのHelp Forumでは、[Official topic]として、価格据え置き($47.99/2年)で更新し続けることができる、と記載されているので大丈夫かな、と思いますが。
With these changes comes the news that we will no longer be offering Pro accounts on Flickr. All those with one-time Pro will retain their benefits until their subscription expires. Recurring Pro members currently have the opportunity to continue renewing their subscriptions. Until we communicate otherwise, your subscription will continue at the price you started with (and not higher). All current Pro members will receive a message in their primary email accounts with more details.
Flickr: The Help Forum: [Official topic] New account limits and paid options
As a Pro Member, your subscription remains the same. You’ll enjoy unlimited space for your photos and videos, detailed stats and an ad-free experience. However, you can switch to a Free account before August 20, 2013.
Thanks! Flickr
See also
» Welcome to Flickr!
» A better, brighter Flickr « Flickr Blog
» My Flickr Photostream