A Few Things to Try on 4. Mixing It Up


 NumbersLettersVariables and Assignmentと学び、それらをMix Upした内容が、Chapter 4. Mixing It Up。まだまだ基本中の基本中の基本の段階です。以下、この章の練習問題記録。

A Few Things to Try on 4. Mixing It Up


Write a program which asks for a person’s first name, then middle, then last. Finally, it should greet the person using their full name.

4. Mixing It Up


puts 'What\'s your first name?'
fName = gets.chomp
puts 'My first name is ' + fName + '.'
puts ''
puts 'What\'s your middle name?'
mName = gets.chomp
puts 'My middle name is ' + mName + '.'
puts ''
puts 'And what\'s your last name?'
lName = gets.chomp
puts 'My last name is ' + lName + '.'
puts ''
puts 'Thank you, nice to meet you, ' + 'Mr./Ms. ' + fName + ' ' + mName + ' ' + lName + '.'


Write a program which asks for a person’s favorite number. Have your program add one to the number, then suggest the result as a bigger and better favorite number. (Do be tactful about it, though.)

4. Mixing It Up


puts 'What is your faivorite number?'
fNum = gets.chomp
puts 'My faivorite number is ' + fNum + '.'
puts ''
puts 'Hmmm, I think that ' + (fNum.to_i + 1).to_s + ' is more suitable number for you.'



See also

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